Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Baby Food

What your baby is going to eat during the first years of its life is an important topic to research and think about. There are usually two options that parents stick to, one being store bought, and the other being homemade food. There are pros and cons when dealing with both options. In my blog post I will discuss some of the reasons why people choose to make homemade food and some of the benefits that come with it. I will also cover why people resort to store bought food and some of the reservations more people are beginning to have towards it.

Different types of Gerber food

Store bought baby food is something that is becoming more and more common. Families are becoming more busy with work therefore they are resorting to food that they can easily buy at the store at a relatively low cost. One of the big baby food companies is Gerber. They have successfully made a name for themselves and have food available from infants to toddlers. Recently since there have been studies and concerns about how bay food has preservatives and additives there has been companies who have began making organic food to ease the moms of busy mother. Some of the pros that come along with store bought baby food is that it is easy to buy. They are available at almost any drugstore or supermarket and the cost is not too bad. A couple dollars per jar or pouch does not seem bad at the moment, but it may add up in the long run. Another pro is that it is convenient when you decide to travel or be away from the household for a long period of time. Some cons are that they can have added sugars and dyes in them along with preservatives to keep it fresh.    

Homemade food vs. store bought food cost

The new craze is homemade baby food, which is not very different. This is how food for babies was always made until the modern times. Parents have made the choice to use fresh products and make food themselves so that they know exactly what they are feeding their baby. People like myself think it is cheaper because with a little bit of fruits and vegetable you are able to make many servings of food for your child. A misconception that many people have is that they don’t know how t cook so they wont know how to make food for their baby, but baby food is very simple to make. You do not have to add anything, except maybe some filtered water or breast milk. You simply boil them or bake fruits and veggies and either mash or blend them together.  Once they get a little older you can incorporate boiled chicken and chicken broth.

Overall, baby food is something that you cannot avoid buying therefore you should try both and see which option best works for your lifestyle. Both options are safe, but it is all personal preference. If you want to know more about certain recipes you can go ahead and click here

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Alternative options for having a Baby

There are many ways a woman can increase her chances of getting pregnant. Sometimes it can be as simple as having sex more frequently or as difficult as needing to go through IVF procedures. Whichever one it may be there will always be ways in which you can have a child if you truly want to. In this blog post I will be talking about some of the more popular alternatives that women choose when they are having a difficult time conceiving.

Fertility drugs

One of the first things that should be done when you have had no success in getting pregnant is go see your gynecologist. With a couple of tests he can determine if the problem is you or your partner. If the doctor has examined you and decides you need some help he will most likely prescribe you fertility drugs depending on what might be wrong. Fertility drugs work by releasing hormones that speed up ovulation as well as increasing the egg production.  This drug is convenient for women whose poor ovulation is the cause for not getting pregnant. It has a success rate of almost 50% and is relatively low in cost as well as convenient to take.

How sperm is inserted in uterus.
Another common alternative that we hear a bout a lot is artificial insemination. This is when bought sperm or stored sperm is directly inserted into the woman’s uterus through a thin catheter. In order to increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant most doctors recommend taking fertility drugs at the same time. This is commonly used when there are problems with the sperm getting to the egg whether it is because the man has low sperm count or because the woman’s mucus is not the proper condition for the sperm to survive in. This procedure is done in cycles and it is most successful after the sixth cycle.
Simplified version of IVF

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is one of the more aggressive treatments for trying to conceive. This process is also done in cycles and consists of a specialist removing an egg and fertilizing it with sperm inside a lab. Once it becomes an embryo it is implanted into the uterus. The success rate for this kind of treatment all depends on the age. Women under the age of 35 have a better chance of becoming pregnant. The major downfall with this treatment is that it is extremely costly per cycle and a relatively low success rate.  

Positive pregnancy test

Overall I made this post not to answer specific questions about alternative treatments, but instead to show that there are options that for women who have been struggling with this. Personally I know of many women who have gone through many treatments and finally got pregnant, but I also know a woman who tried getting pregnant for many years and made her peace with it and after many years she got pregnant with twins without even expecting it. All in all I just want to let you all know that there is always a way to be a mother.  

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C-section Post Partum

A cesarean section is a surgical procedure in which incisions are made through a woman's abdomen and uterus to deliver her baby according to the dictionary. This procedure is really tough not only to undergo, but to recover from. Personally my sister has had her 3 children through a C-section and it is quite the experience. This surgery takes a toll on your body and prevents you from fully being in the moment with your child because of the pain medication you will most likely be on. So for this post I will be sharing some of the things that come with the territory of having a C-section and what can be done to alleviate some of the discomfort and pain.

Along with the typical post partum symptoms like sore breasts and vaginal discharge you will experience other symptoms that mothers who gave birth vaginally will not have to experience. First, women who go through a C-section stay in the hospital for a longer period of time because the doctor will most likely want to monitor the incision. Once you are approved to go home your recovery will still going on. You will need help taking care of yourself as well as you baby because your abdomen is still going to be healing.

Woman with a healed c-section scar
During the first few days your incision site will be sore and even itchy. Any kind of pressure or even coughing will be painful but with medication and time it will begin to heal. When sneezing or coughing it is best to place a pillow on your abdomen to alleviate some pain. Nurses often recommend walking around so that your intestines get back to running like they normally did along with preventing blood clots. Although it is recommended it will be very hard trying to get out of bed let alone walk around the hospital. A couple hours after surgery the nurse will provide you with liquids and prune juice if you would like to help with the gas and constipation.  

Woman getting her staples removed
The main difference about a vaginal birth versus a C-section is the pain. Around the third or fourth day your doctor will most likely remove the staples from the wound. This is an indicator that your doctor thinks you are ready to head home soon. Once you are home the pain will not be completely gone. You will most likely still be on prescription meds for about a week and you should slowly lower your dose.

As for activity level take it very easy. It is not a good idea to begin lifting heavy objects or exercising because you could cause even more harm to yourself.  Walking is about the only kind of exercise you want to do and as the week’s progress. Remember that your body needs time to heal and you have just been through tough abdominal surgery so it is going to be a while for you to feel like yourself again.  

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Vaginal Post Partum

Post partum recovery is just as important as your baby’s health because a healthy mommy is key for your child’s life and development. After delivering your baby you will most likely be at the hospital anywhere from 1-5 days depending on your health and doctors orders. When it come to recovery it is important to focus on yourself even though you might want to give your full attention on your newborn. In this blog post I will be discussing some of the things that new moms will experience after childbirth and tips to try to alleviate some of the symptoms. Recovery is different for all women and you might recover fast or it may take you longer than expected.

Depending on whether you have a vaginal birth or a C-section is how your recovery is going to go. If you have a vaginal birth you will most likely recover in about 6 weeks, but women claim that it takes them longer to feel a little like themselves again. Within the first 6 weeks expect vaginal soreness because of any tears that might have occurred. Some tips you might want to try are to use witch hazel pads by placing them on a pad to alleviate pain. When using the bathroom, use a squirt bottle with warm water to clean the vulva rather than wiping. Another tip is to sit on padded chairs and use pillows for extra cushion because the pressure of sitting can make it extremely uncomfortable.

Maternity Pads to help with the excess bleeding

Another thing to expect is contractions. Even though you already gave birth your uterus is contracting to stop from excessive bleeding. These will often resemble menstrual cramps and can often be alleviated with over the counter medications. Along with contractions difficulty urinating and having bowel movements can appear. Sooth this by eating foods high in fiber and it will also make it easier when going to the bathroom, which will help avoid hemorrhoids.

Pillow used to sit after childbirth

Sore breasts are a common sign because of the breast milk that is coming in for your baby. The only way to ease this discomfort is to either nurse your baby or pump so that your breasts aren’t so engorged. If you do not want to feed your baby breast milk then keep your breast compressed and do not feed or pump because your breast will think they need to keep producing milk.  Another thing that can change is your mood. After birth you can feel an excess amount if emotion like anxiety, irritability, happiness while feeling stressed. All of those emotions at the same time are normal and will stop in the matter of a week or two. One last thing that happens among almost all moms is weight loss. You will begin to lose some of the weight that was gained especially if you decide to breast-feed.  

Overall recovery will take time and it is important to be patient as well as giving your body time to feel normal again. After birth your body will never feel like it did before you had a baby, but it is a feeling you will learn to embrace.  

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